Our Blog
We’re insurance experts and insurance-technology experts, if we do say so ourselves. So, we think we’ve earned the right to have opinions here and there. And we believe we should share those opinions with the people in the industry we serve. That’s why we created this blog. We want to share what we know and what we’ve seen. We want to share what works and what doesn’t. We want to give you the benefit of our experience so you don’t have to come by your experience the hard way. Most important, we want you to think of us — and this blog — as a resource. Please come back often. There’s no telling what you’ll find on any given visit. But we’ll do our level best to ensure it has value to you, to the industry, and to the work in which we all share, one way or the other.
Can You Feel That?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO There have been a lot of good feelings lately, at least for me. Seeing our entire staff at the same time, in the same place, for the first time in over 15 months was a big deal for me. Being a person who traveled every two...
Where Have You Been?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO For the last few years, I’ve written a blog post every few weeks. When things seemed to go a little crazy at the beginning of March, I chose to shut it down for a while. For quite some time I didn’t really know what to say....
Don’t be an As&#$@!
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO For those of you bored enough to regularly read my blogs, you know I’m a big baseball fan. And in particular, I’m a huge fan of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The same L.A. Dodgers that were cheated out of the 2017 World Series...
Better Late than Never
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO If my January blog post is finally written the first week of February, that’s probably a sign. But I’d say a good one. January was much like all of 2019 for us. Busy. And as a result, the time just flew by. I think awesome...
All I Want for Christmas Is …
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Ho, Ho, Ho. Here we are. Christmas time again. I really enjoy this time of year, but it goes so fast. Seems like we almost jump from Thanksgiving right to the gray, cold days of January. I’m more than likely the most...
Did you get your tickets?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Well, it’s almost here. Something 42 years in the making. December 20th, 2019, will see the release of Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker, the end of the Skywalker saga portion of Star Wars. What began in 1977 will come to a...
Don’t Forget How You Got There
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO What do you hope to do? What do you hope to be? In your personal life? In business? And will you really know it when you succeed? What even is the definition of success? I guess it is pretty subjective. I’m not sure our...
Don’t be a Tonsil
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO My son Cameron had his tonsils out last week, so I’ve had plenty of time to ponder about tonsils. Luckily, he’s been doing great since surgery. I was 28 when mine came out, and let’s just say he’s doing a lot better than I...
The Summer Classic
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I’m a huge baseball fan. And this week is one of my favorites of the baseball season – All Star week. Now there are people who will disagree with my excitement and claim the game means nothing, it’s just an exhibition, or it...
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Trust is very simple but, at the same time, very complex. It’s said trust takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. While this is true, sometimes we don’t have a lifetime to try to build trust. Many times it’s a...
It’s About Risk
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO When people think about software testing, they often get lost in the enormity of technology and overwhelmed by things like what to test, how much to test, and other factors such as these. This happens a lot in the CEO’s...
Does anyone really care anymore?
I have to wonder whether any large company really cares what people think about their technology. My answer is leaning towards no. Let me give you examples of my latest experiences:
Decisions, Decisions
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I try to consider myself pretty cool under pressure. Someone who can adapt, react, and move forward. But lately, that seems to all be up in the air. We’re doing a little remodeling around the office, and it seems my...
It’s Okay to be You
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Sometimes the pressure is overwhelming. It seems everyone is up to something. And half the people are trying to convince everyone else that if you aren’t doing something or you aren’t in love with something, you’re going to...
What are You Trying to Say?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO One of the biggest problems I observe throughout my day-to-day life is communication. And it’s probably my biggest pet peeve. I struggle to understand how it’s so difficult for some people to communicate. It see it at work,...
Things are Easier with Tools
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Our first snow of the season has finally arrived. I’m a snow guy. But here in western Ohio, it can be hit or miss. Last year we didn’t see enough all winter to even fire up the snow blower. But this year seems to be a little...
I’m Calling from Windows
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO “Your computer has been infected. We must block your computer.” Man, I love these guys. Night and day, every day of the week, even on holidays. They don’t give. Trying to convince me that my computer is sending them messages...
Goodbye 2018
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Another year has flown by. I say it a lot, but I still can’t believe how quickly time goes. I’m lucky work allows me to be busy most of the time and on the road quite a bit, but that makes it go by even faster. I hope 2018...
It’s Complicated
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO No, I don’t mean my relationship status on social media. I’m talking insurance systems. My cohorts and I live almost every day of our lives eyeballs deep in insurance software implementations. It’s not glamorous or sexy, but...
It’s that Time
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO It’s that time of year when we’re supposed to be giving thanks. A little fact about me – turkey and dressing is pretty much my favorite meal. Any time of year. But I’ll take any excuse to have a whole meal dedicated to...
Ghouls and Goblins
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO It’s that scary time of year that Halloween fans of all ages love. And probably a few dentists, too. The candy has been out in the stores since the 4th of July and you might still find some if you walk past the Christmas...
Better Buy from Someone
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO If you’ve ever read anything I’ve written, you probably know we sell testing and implementation services to insurance companies. And if you are an insurance company with any kind of computer system, you’d better be buying...
Can you imagine?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO We run our business one way. Treat people the way you would like to be treated. That’s it. No other way, and it’s not negotiable. If we’re lucky enough to have an organization choose to be our customer, we’re going to do our...
Take it Down a Notch
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I’ve got a problem. Actually, I’ve got quite a few. I understand how imperfect I am more than anyone you will ever meet. But two of my biggest issues are competitiveness and intensity. It seems like I am always telling...
Where Have You Been All My Life?
By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Have you ever had something you really enjoy, that you went most of your life not even knowing about? Most of you who know me probably know this is going to involve food. And it does. This might sound strange, but for a big...
Contact Us
If we can be of help to you or your organization, please call us. We look forward to talking with you about your needs.
Marias Technology
25 East Wright St
Covington OH 45318